Your Cards,
Your Rules.
Collect, Trade,

Bringing together players, collectors, and investors to build the TCG community of tomorrow.

Organize like a pro

Even your messiest decks will look like they graduated top of their class.

Inventory management

Easily track and organize your entire TCG collection with intuitive tools designed for maximum efficiency.

Automated lists

Generate smart, categorized lists of your cards automatically, saving time and ensuring accuracy.

Game agnostic

Manage cards from multiple TCGs seamlessly in one unified platform, starting with six major games at launch.

Bulk actions

Simplify your workflow with batch processing for adding, editing, or trading large card groups.

Trade with ease

No more shady deals in the back alleys of card conventions.

Smart Matching

Find optimal trades and deals tailored to your preferences with advanced matching algorithms.

Centralized trades

Buy, sell and trade in one place—no more juggling between social networks and marketplaces.

Track your value

Your cards might be worth more than your lunch... or your rent.

Collection value tracking

Stay updated with real-time valuation insights to understand the worth of your collection at a glance.

Smart Alerts & Notifications

Set your own rules and get notified when card values hit your target, market trends shift, or opportunities arise.

How does it work?

Effortless steps to turn your card chaos into pure collecting bliss.

1.Import your inventory

Choose the method that suits you best — bulk add, CSV, import from other tools...

2. Create your lists

Build lists tailored to your goals—complete entire sets, assemble decks, or focus on rare finds.

3. Enjoy the rest

Track your collection’s value, connect with users to acquire missing cards, and turn excess inventory into profit with ease.

Get notified

CardNexus is gearing up to revolutionize the TCG world. Don’t miss your chance to be part of the launch!

Early Access

Sign up now for exclusive early access, updates, and the chance to shape CardNexus as an early user.

Community Roadmap

We share a public roadmap so you can track upcoming features, and we consider all feedback and requests.

Frequently asked questions

Didn’t find what you were looking for? No worries! Shoot us an email, and our support team will get back to you faster than you can shuffle a deck.

Get exclusive early access!

Sneak peeks at new features, and the chance to shape the future of Trading Card Games.